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Greene Concepts Provides Update On Hydration Tracking App

Greene Concepts

Marion, North Carolina-based Greene Concepts and Metatron have announced additional information regarding the new hydration application that was shared in a joint press release in October.

Metatron is developing the hydration app for Greene Concepts. It enables consumers to log their water intake and encouraging people to drink water regularly until they reach their recommended daily water intake goal – which the app automatically calculates.

“Water is the most important and vital nutrient for the human body, is involved in every bodily function, and makes up 70-75 percent of your total body weight,” said Joe Riehl, CEO of Metatron.  

“The new hydration water tracker app will remind you to drink more water, which helps you to maintain body temperature, metabolize body fat, aids in digestion, lubricates and cushions organs, transports nutrients and flushes toxins from your body. This app assists the user to drink enough water in an attempt to reach or maintain optimum health.”

The app will enable users to aggregate and report the trace minerals from water consumed and compare that amount against their recommended daily allowance, which is in-part based on weight, gender and activity level. App users will be able to identify their target volume, track their water consumption and create reminders to encourage hydration for optimal health.

“Additional features of the new hydration app include the water log reminders and timer, a personalized water intake calculator, 3D touch support, pre-defined and customized cup sizes for quick tracking, weight/height units support, water units support, HealthKit integration, a history and graph dashboard to see progress and functionality/support on multiple platforms,” said Lenny Greene, CEO of Greene Concepts.

“You will be able to subscribe via an annual subscription to allow for the tracking of multiple beverages and unlimited access to all features of the hydration app with no ads…The app will feature an audible water sound as a reminder and designed to limit intrusion while encouraging a peaceful experience. [It] is currently in development, and we are excited about its upcoming release.”

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