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What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Last updated on June 13th, 2024 at 12:10 pm

We are on a path that our government says will leave us $1,500,000,000,000 (one trillion, five hundred billion dollars) in debt for the fiscal year 2011. And in the same breath, our government tells us they need 193,000 new employees (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Government Needs to Add 193,000 New Hires,” Jan. 16, 2011).

Just the opposite is true—they need to cut 193,000 jobs.

If the operators of every company in America were to take a look at their books—past performance and ­future plans—for any indication that the path they were on and plans they prepared were going to lead them into ­anything as devastating as we are headed for, we would stop everything and take ­immediate action to turn the tide. We would not add one single ­employee until two jobs had been eliminated.

It makes no sense to turn our country over to foreign governments because we can’t pay our debts!

The solution is not to raise taxes but to cut expenses and waste. We the people must hold our representatives accountable for cutting the federal appetite for more money or fire them the next chance we get for incompetence!

My prayer is that every business in America will be operated in such a way as to be successful, hire as many ­people as we can, pay our bills on time and provide a safe and secure atmosphere that is honoring to God our Creator.

Maybe, just maybe, the govern­ment will hire some CEOs and business owners who have business sense and a good track record and we will get this thing turned around before it’s too late. The bridge ahead is OUT.

Many things that will emerge from the Obama healthcare bill as the months and years go by will tax us all to try to understand how and why intelligent, honorable, dedicated senators, congressmen, congresswomen and the ­president would vote for such a poor piece of ­legislation that most if not all, by their own admission, had not even read. Would you sign a purchase order for a small piece of equipment, for a small sign, a lease agreement or any kind of agreement without first reading it and have others involved read it and advise you?

No way!

I and many other people I know are in, and will be in, prayer for our leaders and our country as we head into these perilous times ahead if we don’t cut our spending and tell all, ourselves included, that we will not spend more than we take in.

And a footnote: As I mentioned to you a few months ago about hiring new people to do our part to help put America back to work, we have hired three new people and will hire more as we continue to grow.

God bless you all. God, please continue to bless America. More to follow!

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Shelby Team

The Shelby Report delivers complete grocery news and supermarket insights nationwide through the distribution of five monthly regional print and digital editions. Serving the retail food trade since 1967, The Shelby Report is “Region Wise. Nationwide.”

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